
Step x Step Interview with Larry Bourgeois | Les Twins | Criminalz Crew

2015-12-16 4 Dailymotion

Right after Juste Debout weekend- on March 13th in Paris (FRA), Stefani is provided the exciting opportunity to sit down with world renown dancer, model and actor:
Larry Bourgeois (Criminalz Crew, Paris).
Also known as Ca-blaze, he forms a dance-duo with his twin-brother Laurent (Lil' Beast). Together they go under the stage name of "Les Twins". In this interview Larry gives the viewer an exclusive insight into his world.
DOG BY SHASH'U (20:17 min)
"This film could not have been realized without the concern and positivity of Clayton Ashcraft and Jacob Rosen. Thank you for your light C-bass.
To Marina Kolias & Jo Lewis, your loving support, the teamwork & resonance is really powerful. I'm grateful we crossed paths and I thank you for enabling this project.
Reginal, Laura & Deyvron, on this very day you showed me the example to Larry's words, plus the fact you are the young and responsible voices of future Hip Hop. That inspires much hope, merci les gars.
To Vanessa vG & Glenn Sluisdom for giving this film and me so much more than was asked for. Mijn dank is groot, lieve mensen.
This goes out to the one and only Legend, Chalice and Shash'U! Thank you for your trust in me and providing the footage with fresh music. Your support and enthusiasm from the start was unreal to me!
Of course last but not least a huge shout out to Blaze for taking the time to do this interview, for sharing your smile & experiences!
Peace and Light everybody, I hope you enjoy" - Stefani Sarah (European Representative Step x Step Dance) @moxy_sxs
Step x Step official website
Magnum Opus Entertainment
Global Nomads Productions
Openends Productions
Chalice Serrano & Legend da Beatslaya
DJ Shash'U
Viewer sidenotes:
-This video contains the complete interview.
-Larry refers to:
Les Twins (FRA) vs Lil'O & Tyger B (USA) | Juste Debout 2011 Semi-Final | YAKFILMS
-Track that Larry plays at 17:36min: DJ Nasty Nas | Hypnotise (created for Les Twins)
-Following track at 18:20min by the same Artist and also appears on a Les Twins BeatTape called BlackLite & FrenchWood ! Download it here:
Support Nacim! or @Djnastynas
-Beatboxing: Wine O- Pop my trunk
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